An exciting new blog post was released yesterday, August 20th, 2018! Cargo bays. We all knew they were going to be added, but now we have a post! Though they have confirmed it many times before, now we have a new gif to look at! (Everyone loves that, right? Or is it just me?) This is a crucial part in the WSP’s plan for a space hotel! See page 37 for more information. Anyways, the post contains another gif of three different shapes! A box shaped cargo bay, a oddly coffin-like cargo bay, and the circular cargo bay! This will be nice for all those people who want to build shuttle replicas.

This just in! A new blueprint has been drawn out by ExplorerCo. engineers! They have refused to give the public any details, and have not said anything about the model. All we know is, the R-9 ‘Alexandria’ was developed to send station parts to space. Perhaps this has to do with the SPS-76 Harmony? Who knows? ExplorerCo. that’s who. That’s all today folks, this was SRNews, tune in next time for more details on ExplorerCo’s designs!



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