Why do we make crafts on this website? Well for people to download and enjoy, right? As you may know, a lot of people who aren’t a part of the community download crafts off the website site to enjoy and play around with in the game.
I think a lot of these people are children since well, children are the primary group that play video games (I think). Most children probably have phones instead of PCs and as a result, will have the mobile version of SR2. They download crafts on their phone to play sr2 on their phones.
What am I getting at here?
All the best crafts have thousands and thousands of parts. And these crafts, the ones that get the most attention because of the looks, will just lag a ton on a child’s device, making it not much playable and rather not fun. So they’ll need to download lower-part, lower-quality crafts that a child would probably enjoy less than a higher-quality craft
Although there are a few exceptions there being low part count crafts still looking real good.
I just thought the community should take this into consideration for why we make these crafts anyways ;-;
Go complain in the comments if something is wrong with this.
Thanks bro