Why do we make crafts on this website? Well for people to download and enjoy, right? As you may know, a lot of people who aren’t a part of the community download crafts off the website site to enjoy and play around with in the game.

I think a lot of these people are children since well, children are the primary group that play video games (I think). Most children probably have phones instead of PCs and as a result, will have the mobile version of SR2. They download crafts on their phone to play sr2 on their phones.

What am I getting at here?

All the best crafts have thousands and thousands of parts. And these crafts, the ones that get the most attention because of the looks, will just lag a ton on a child’s device, making it not much playable and rather not fun. So they’ll need to download lower-part, lower-quality crafts that a child would probably enjoy less than a higher-quality craft

Although there are a few exceptions there being low part count crafts still looking real good.

I just thought the community should take this into consideration for why we make these crafts anyways ;-;

Go complain in the comments if something is wrong with this.


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    Thanks bro

    3.0 years ago
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    @Average3Beirut3user they have a algorithm that prevents you from upvoting after upvoting a certain amount of times in a certain timeframe but it doesn’t stop upvote cults. I agree we should have a day-based algorithm too.

    3.0 years ago
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    3.0 years ago
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    This very true but I think there should be a point award button that can be used 20 time every 3 days etc (to avoid point cults)

    3.0 years ago
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    3,554 vghfr

    meanwhile me and the boys struggling to have partcounts higher than 300

    3.0 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 I myself have a MacBook Air I use. It isn’t high end or anything and I don’t play SR2 on it.

    My phone is a specially stronger processing phone and can process more games like SR2 to the point where I can run max physics and graphics. So I can’t represent the entire mobile community. But generally 1000+ parts starts to alter the performance in harsh ways for phones other than mine.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    I hear about low quality devices such as phones constantly lagging, I’m a MacBook Air user so I want to know what SR2 does to phones?

    3.1 years ago
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    6,803 DMCcorp

    A solution is to make a way to sort/ search for crafts with no more than [x] parts.

    For example, an advanced search tool:
    [1. Part Count Limit search: 500 or less]

    But, in the end, usually, Higher
    Part Count = higher quality

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    I do this all the crafts I do with less than 500 pieces and I try to do the best design without losing functionality and aesthetics

    3.1 years ago
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    @Marssmmm ye

    3.1 years ago
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    1,666 Marssmmm

    Don’t build 25k crafts by making the launch tower of individual parts. Mess with the xml files and Soyuz style interstages

    3.1 years ago
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    @Flamoringo originally same bro

    3.1 years ago
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    @GamerSpace 👍
    Just a message to larger creators.

    3.1 years ago
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    10.4k Gamerxlol

    mad fax not to plug but my crafts are under 1k and still well respected by the community that inspires me to make more :)

    3.1 years ago
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    @SCaxaR yeah I feel like that should be how it works though.

    3.1 years ago
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    950 SCaxaR

    @HorizonsTechnologies when I uploaded my first crafts, I thought that points are awarded for the number of downloads. Experienced a sense of deja vu

    3.1 years ago
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    950 SCaxaR

    I think your expression is slightly incorrect. Maybe I'm wrong and in which case I'll admit it.

    Children are persons under the age of 11, and after, this is already adolescence lasting up to 16 years in general.

    As in any game, we want to play and enjoy the game, the feeling of the finished product and the feeling of relaxation.

    And despite the fact that SR2 is a creative game, people want to feel all its beauty using high quality crafts, in which the amount of detail is appropriate.

    Remember your first entry into the game, when you are little or not familiar with it at all, you first of all download crafts, and do not build, since you do not know its mechanics and use ready-made crafts to get to know it.

    Once again, I apologize if I'm wrong, I share my own humble opinion :)

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    @OmniExplorationDivision that’s actually a really smart idea adding points for downloads rather than upvotes.

    3.1 years ago
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    3,554 vghfr

    @OmniExplorationDivision that's a great idea

    3.1 years ago
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    There are lots of child minded adults out there also, and ones that can not understand how to build in this game so they just download crafts to be able to play the game.
    The human mind is influenced by distractions. Distractions like good looking screen shots over quality crafts.
    Even crafts that are quality but can not be used on anything but a pc due the the amount of parts...
    You have a point for sure though, the fact that some crafts only get a few upvotes but have thousands of downloads, and others with very little downloads get thousands of upvotes.
    This is why I proposed to have a new idea to have a second counting system that only counts downloads instead of upvotes.
    Everyone would have two numbers on their accounts.
    One for upvotes and one for how many downloads people have taken from them.
    Personally, I feel that downloads are the only number that actually counts.

    +9 3.1 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX Yeah. Children (based off what I think) are attracted by screenshots that are taken really well.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    1,732 neodynamic

    we just went big brain mode

    This is actually pretty smart, thinking about it.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    916 NEOSTAR

    @SmurfResearchX Exactly. I think a craft's upvotes should be proportional to the quality. It shouldn't depend on how popular a user is or how many parts there are. I am amazed by those who can create such detailed crafts, but there are great crafts that don't have high part counts too.

    +3 3.1 years ago
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    Agreed, there are a bunch of great performing crafts, with less than 300 parts, and thousands of downloads...but less than 10 upvotes - and 5000 part crafts with more than 25 upvotes, and less than 100 downloads.
    so, most of the time (not always) - highly upvoted crafts have really cool screenshots, but dont equal a craft that performs well

    +4 3.1 years ago


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