Some people have asked how to do it, so here we go.

Please note that this only applies to the mobile version, the PC version may differ.

Before you say "oH wElL yOuRe GoNnA cOpY jAsTrOs TuTs" - no, i specifically asked him if i could post these, and he said it's fine, so there's that. Onto the thingy now.
Marked with the usual lopsided circles that i always use.

  1. Open the little tab at top left corner of main menu
  2. Open "Settings" on the dropdown menu
  3. Open "Controls" tab
  4. Open the triple dots button
  5. Open the dev console in the dropdown menu
  6. Enter "pl" (or until PlanetStudio pops up) and click on that (don't bother with the other stuff that comes out)
  7. Finally, hit Execute to open PS
    And bam, you're in and should be greeted with the basic PS menu. Everything else should work normally now.
Happy planet building!



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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    @ExplorationAerospace oof, yeah, i forgot mobile has a lite version now

    13 days ago
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    I found out you needed dlc

    14 days ago
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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    @ExplorationAerospace the menu button is in a slightly different place now, but yes

    14 days ago
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    is this still applicable?

    14 days ago
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    @Zenithspeed works perfectly. Can finally use those beta planets hehe

    10 months ago
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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    @Silverback no problem
    this is a bit outdated by now but it should still work

    10 months ago
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    Extremely useful, extremely appreciated.

    10 months ago
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    225 Touhoufan

    @HorizonsTechnologies, this one is the most recent one; I thought it has been removed as I cannot seem to access it anymore.

    2.6 years ago
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    ya i think there are a bunch of tutorials about this besides jastrus planet studio also doesn't work well on mobile anyways.

    2.6 years ago


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