Was anyone else disappointed when they first announced simple rockets two and it was going to be 2D with 3D visuals but then learned later that it was going to be fully 3D and was really hyped?
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120 JetFly
I'll buy the SR2 Android and iOS versiin cus well...it is the only choice. SR1 always been a piece of crap for me, because of some of it's moments. I have SR1 anyways.
@Bmcclory The technology never got better, they just saw much more opportunity in making the game full 3D, especially since it actually gives an actual sense to the planet creation, instead of it just being cosmetic.
532 JoshMan
@RailfanEthan pesant, I enjoy the comforts of all 6 dimensions from the void. Truly that is the master dimension
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@SaturnV your welcome thanks back