Hi there. I'd like to thank some people.
So I'm almost to 3k points so I should probably make a post about it. so here we go
Thanks to @Chtite451SR2 for always supporting me and looking at (and flying) my crafts. they also have an awesome discord server that I've had the amazing privilege to be an admin of. they were also my first friend on this site, so that's something
Thanks to @HorizonsTechnologies for being brutally honest and giving me feedback on whether my crafts were shit or not.
Thanks to @YaMomzBox for being a generally awesome dude that I can always have a good conversation with.
Thanks to the entirety of Jundroo who made a spectacular game.
Announcement7 Comments
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3,692 HorizonsTechnologies
No prob my guy. Always there to call your crafts shit when they are shit :))))
1,176 YaMomzBox420
cue orchestra
Voice of The Rock:"What can I saaaaay except, You're Welcome!"
Lol I'm glad you finally made it! You definitely deserve the recognition for your hard work. And thanks for the shout-out too! I appreciate your friendship and input in things, plus you're always fun to talk to. Let's hope you're next stop is 5k 👍
13.8k Vedhaspace
@Chtite451SR2 motivated me to build craft after I looked into his account when I am a beginner (nearly 1 year ago) -
11.5k Chtite451SR2
Yourwelcome lol
(finally notices I actually have not done one of these yet)
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@Chtite451SR2 yes you and some other users