I feel like it was long overdue and very much needed, I have used it in simple planes, the only problem I see is the new people that have no idea what it is, or how to use it, they will learn.
Discussion13 Comments
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4,975 FelixFan1
If it’s too difficult to understand then people shouldn’t complain about it, It’s their fault if they can’t figure the overload mod out right?
32.0k Zyvx
I'm giddy with excitement, I wanted this in SR2 for so long, now I'm having fun with it, so many new experiments to try.
11.0k Insanity
@ChaoticGraviton i actually kind of like it, and it actually works properly now, previously it would constantly break the scene and i'd have to go to the menu and back to fix it.
26.3k ChaoticGraviton
@Thunderstorm5796 I know the idea behind how it was implemented in SR2 was to not do that. They didn't want to just implement the mod into the game as it was with SimplePlanes. Instead they reworked it, sure it's different, it'll take some time to get used to.
447 Thunderstorm5796
@ChaoticGraviton I agree, I just saw it after I updated, its interface is very weird, personally I dont like it, I would prefer it to be like simpleplanes
26.3k ChaoticGraviton
I think it's a great addition to the game, and will be really helpful to mobile users, but I personally don't like the interface as it was implemented. I most likely going to still use the mod.
13.8k Vedhaspace
I feel it would be very good even hearing it
Idk how I feel when I play with it.(excited) -
27.1k Zenithspeed
it is
it's so nice that they've previously done the same with SP, but it just shows that they actually care about their players too
otherwise, the engine exhaust recoloring, smoke toggle, and other stuff are still nice to have -
3,554 vghfr
its kinda a necessity with all of the new xml-based features cause they are pretty much useless if the majority of the playerbase cant even use them
It’s “the best feature ever added to the stock game" in my opinion.