I am currently trying to make a planet and the water which is supposed to be dark blue is coming out neon purple. I also am trying to figure out how to get some of my biomes to have slopes steeper than about 2 degrees. I have almost no clue what I am doing could someone please help?
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9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
oh, well if the ocean is coming out neon purple, you should check the color gradient, the atmosphere colors, noon color/dusk color, and emission strength of the ocean (how much light it realeases, like a flashlight)
76 LunarArc
@SamTheFox Thank you, but I checked out his youtube and he does not have any tutorials, which is what I'm looking for.
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I looked at those first, and I'm still tinkering with that, but the color I'm inputting to the things and what I'm getting seems counter-intuitive, I was looking for help understanding how Colors, Biomes and Elevation interact with one another.