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8,428 PasonJawulo
And obviously, better looking parts and functionality = a lot more parts
8,428 PasonJawulo
@YaMomzBox420 Thank you! I'm happy how it came out but it requires a lot of time to make everything reasonably correct size and shape. I'm aware that not every part is perfectly scaled but it's close enough for me
8,428 PasonJawulo
@RocketMan167 with posting updated versions. I haven't said that I will stop working on it :)
1,191 YaMomzBox420
I can't even make a simple tracking camera and you make this! I need to find something else to do with my time lol
Seriously though, that's pretty impressive. I'm amazed at the level of detail and functionality you've gotten out of that! Waiting for the finished product is gonna be hard now
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