The Task:

You must make a full solar system that can run on mobile without many bugs.


No mods
Minimum 5 planets
Must contain at least 1 terrestrial planet as launch site
Must be realistic
You can only enter once.


First place:10 upvotes
Second place:5 upvotes
Third place:3 upvotes
Every other entry: one upvote

give me entry link in comments, deadline is when I feel like it should end


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    @astrojethro all it exactly means is that it just can’t be like a planet with water but no atmosphere, it just has to follow laws of physics and look like it could exist.

    2.9 years ago
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    Does the realism part also mean that terrain has to look real life like?

    2.9 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i'm currently making one (VBSS), it fulfills basically every criteria but the realism one, so i'll probably get disqualified anyways
    i'm not gonna say more since that might count as self-advertising

    2.9 years ago

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