I want to build a Luna colony, but some of the rooms are just way to big, like my greenhouse I want to find a way to deliver this, but if you attach engines to the side, it won’t fit on the largest fuel tank possible. Any way around this?
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1,652 GrandmasterPotato
@SamTheFox I did that but the modules are just o big, click the greenhouse link in the description and see
9,400 RudimentaryCheezit
why can't you divide the modules into pieces and stick them together with docking ports when you arrive?
1,652 GrandmasterPotato
@SamTheFox ok that’s what I did, but the question is that I have some ridiculously large modules, that I can’t fit in any rocket, so I can’t deliver it. Thanks anyway.
9,400 RudimentaryCheezit
@Toinkove @TronicOrbital
from personal experience with lunar experiments, you can use docking ports to attach parts together to create an entire craft using some sort of crane (you can also use astronaut tethers, but it is extraordinarily difficult under the influence of gravity) -
1,652 GrandmasterPotato
@Toinkove ok I tried it but it was very laggy do to to many parts, I don’t think it would let me launch it without the game crashing, anymore ideas.
353 Toinkove
prolly the easiest way to get multiple structures (like green house, solar array, comm dish, ect.) that aren't connected but located close to one another would be to load them all into the same design blueprint then spawn the whole set up to the location at once. if connected then just spawn it in as one big structure obviously.
1,652 GrandmasterPotato
@TronicOrbital @Toinkove ok then, but how would I get the other large pieces to it?
353 Toinkove
Yeah I'd say you have to 'cheat' a little here! Realistically you could send the pieces up and then have astronauts put it together on the surface like a prefabricated bookshelf from Walmart. but with that not possible in the game just spawn it in!
i suggest you make the greenhouse smaller, like 3 or 4 meters