Everyone is gone. Devoid of life. Or is it just me?
Question9 Comments
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1,666 Marssmmm
No we need more people like you! The people you iterate on a single design are what we need. Heck, it’s what most engineer’s do @TronicOrbital
1,298 XenoindustriEs
It isn't dead, its just a not very known game, it ins't free and sfs is more easy for new players, while this game takes a good time to learn how to fly. Im hoping the community grows more and more once this game got his career mode and start to make ads.
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@TronicOrbital there's also a bunch of people who've just moved on with life in general. A lot of us are in college or have jobs and families to deal with, so it means less time for games and forums. Plus, a lot of people(myself included) can't stick with just one game for too long before we're burned out, so I end up splitting my free time between a few different games depending on how I feel/what I'm doing.
Ok @N0tLogan