I was just wondering how low a lunar orbit can get. If you try this please let me know how low your periapsis got in the comments



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    120 N0tLogan

    The lowest I could get my lunar orbit was 1.2 km with a lowest pass being just 100 meters above the lunar surface

    Pinned 2.9 years ago
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    120 N0tLogan

    @W1ll1amTr1stan Those pesky mountains are always getting in the way 😂

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    166 WiTriNo

    @W1ll1amTr1stan then it crashed on a mountain 😂

    2.9 years ago
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    166 WiTriNo

    Since the lunar surface isn't very flat and the sea level may be below ground level,it depends. Lowest I got was 200m ASL.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    @N0tLogan earth IRL. Since Droo is just a smaller version of earth, it should be pretty similar(I'm not exactly sure what the total difference in elevation is for Droo, but I know it's about 1/5 the size of earth, and Luna is roughly proportional, so that's where my numbers came from)

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    120 N0tLogan

    @Vedhaspace 😂😂

    2.9 years ago
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    13.8k Vedhaspace

    Well i orbited Luna like 1.1km very close to yours lol
    Done it by launching from the Luna base
    But that's definitely not a safe orbit I think it only lasted like 3 to 5 orbits as my craft crashed into a mountain in Luna 🤣

    2.9 years ago
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    120 N0tLogan

    @YaMomzBox420 by “earth” do you mean real life Earth or Droo?

    2.9 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    Not sure why everyone has such large numbers. 2-3 km should be more than enough unless your orbit just so happens to pass over the highest point on the moon. The highest point on Earth's surface is only about 11 km above Sea level, so I would expect the highest point on Luna(a much smaller moon with a relatively flatter surface from cratering) to be around 5km above the average surface level or 10 km above the lowest elevation

    2.9 years ago
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    you can make it to 100 - 50 kilometers, or 10 if you’re lucky

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    @N0tLogan that sounds about right. Theoretically you could orbit at only a few feet off the ground, but to safely orbit, it takes a few hundred to a thousand meters average altitude to make sure you don't crash into something like a mountain or crater rim

    +1 2.9 years ago

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