Making drone ship is kinda hard and we all try to do it .
But,if it has an readymade one all would be happy,
Specially who tries to land rockets



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    242 Dereric


    Okay, ähm, sorry but I think I don't understand the problem. You can place as many droneships as you want, and you can scale them up. I also had problems to land a space shuttle on those tiny runways. Set part scale to 4 and it worked.

    2.9 years ago
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    676 COSMOSR2

    @Dereric umm... I already know that 🤣. but the person who lands rockets like me needs a variety of ships

    3.0 years ago
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    242 Dereric

    Use the one inside the planet designer, you can find it under "planetary objects" , structures, "ship drone"

    3.0 years ago

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