For me, ISRO's chandrayaan 2 launch, SpaceX DM2 and the movie Mission Mangal. I am a veretan SFS player but i needed a much more realistic 3D game and the searching led me to this outstanding game.
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11.2k TritonAerospace
Searched for a make your vehicle and fly it game 4 years ago and ended up discovering Simpleplanes.
I fell inlove with it because i always wanted a build your own realistic looking game, after that jundroo announced sr2 and i still remember the hype it got released for mobile later, i played it and love it still and i always uninstalled games after completing them and getting bored of them but i still have simpleplanes from four years ago. -
8,526 BeamAerospaceIndustries
I came here from the SimplePlanes game. After the first video trailer, I followed the development until the game was released in early access
1,161 jrzspace
I have a low-end PC and it can't handle KSP so I search for an alternative and BOOM! I found SR2. -
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
i was looking for a quality rocket creation game, and i came across SimpleRockets, but i wanted 3D graphics and so i got SimpleRcokets 2, but then it kept crashing because i desire "deadly graphics" so i reinstalled it twice, and downloaded SFS, but then i retried SimpleRockets 2 and got it to work
6,788 DMCcorp
Question: is my payload getting launched or not? I think it’s taken a bit longer than it should be.
137 Matteovir
i was looking randomply for space related games on mobile, and i come up to SR2 mobile. then i discovered it had a PC counterpart, and then i dedicated to the PC version.
I was previously an Orbiter Space Sim addicted user, and after a long time i was looking for somthing a bit more "user-friendly". -
27.1k Zenithspeed
played SP before, then i saw the game and its better and procedural stuff so i got it once it came out on mobile
edit: also used to play KSP before the laptop i had it on ceased to work normally
Got inspired big time by the hype made by falcon 9 landing boosters, so i want to replicate it and searched for a rocket creating game. First, I played on SFS then after couple of days, I thought it suck cause 2d, everything is manual and expensive full version for a 2d game. So i searched on youtube for a great space game and found a comparison video of ksp and sr2, i only have mobile at the time so sr2 was my only choice and its great considering for a mobile game. So i got in to it and it exceeded my expectations for a mobile game. I discovered the website and holy sh8 i found a replica of ODIN from cod ghost, i was suprised as i thought that this game is only for building rockets as the videos about it and the title suggested and there i felt inspired and loved the game since then. By the time i had laptop, this game is the first thing i wanted to be in there, so in record I've payed twice for the game, one for mobile and one for laptop. Ive never spent that much for a game before but this game is just worthy.