I cannot seem to find a way to make a propeller engine with a variable pitch propeller without it stretching out, if anyone has any tips on how to make a propeller engine design stable I would be very pleased to know.
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300 CardinalMoss
@SmurfResearchX When I mean rotor, I used the rotors only for pitch of the blade, and the motor item for actually spinning up the propeller, to clarify,
7,853 SmurfResearchX
@Matrice - yeah, that is a good idea - the 2 rotators connecting on the same axis has helped alot with some other parts i used it on, but i never tried it on a rotor...and the rotator gizmos have the "size" setting now - the 50kg stock size was kind of heavy, before the update
300 CardinalMoss
@SmurfResearchX I found out how to make it more stable, if you have the rotor that is powered with the blade and all that, and abuse the connect tool by putting an unpowered rotor in the same axis of rotation as the powered one, connecting the unpowered to the blade and the main rotor rod or whatever.
It may seem cumbersome to do but it has worked decently well for me, it can handle small and big blades along with high RPM, still bugs, but it is manageable. -
7,853 SmurfResearchX
i have tried every way i could think of, and still got the stretch - very low rpm and longer blades reduce it...but usually its too slow for the needed lift - i hope they fix it one day
@Matrice - i think i understand what you are saying - i might try a test of it, and send a link to see if it is the same idea - i just recently tried to see if the latest update had any changes (attempted the variable pitch blades on a quadcopter, but still stretched like before, and ended up using fixed blades and throttle for control) - but i didnt try the 2nd connection, which sounds like a big help