Using vizzy how can one make a custom InputController for control surfaces or rotators etc, meaning how to effectively use the + in tinker panel to make a part have more than one input control?
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11.2k TritonAerospace
@plane918273645 please make an example wing and upload it for me that would be greatly appreciated.
11.2k TritonAerospace
@TronicOrbital also thanks for showing me that craft, what a masterpiece.
11.2k TritonAerospace
@TronicOrbital it works on Rotators and Hinge Rotators but i mean a wing control surface, i tried it many times in different ways to do it in a wing control surface but to no avail.
This craft uses custom control surfaces using hinges. -
11.2k TritonAerospace
@TronicOrbital the thing is Simplerockets 2 isn't like Simpleplanes so all that code doesn't work.
This is the main reason I'm asking the question of how to have two inputs controlling a control surface in sr2? -
11.2k TritonAerospace
@plane918273645 that is still gonna end up with one input, I'm referring to two inputs for example like in SP in overload you can go Roll+Pitch for two inputs.
18.3k plane918273645
Well for rotators it isn’t needed, just type what you want,
But for a wing you have to add an input controller then go to the “inputID”, and put for example Slider 1
Then when you set the wing to slider 1, the input controller below overrides this with its value
@plane918273645 thanks a TON