Why make the air inlet hollow? Because the air inlet is hollow, many people use the warehouse / fairing as part of the interior and shell of the spacecraft. Officials should pay attention to this problem.
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4,975 FelixFan1
I’m confused? If you set the inlet’s part collision handling to (none) then you can fly through it, so doesn’t that solve the problem of crashing into it.
27.1k Zenithspeed
aw man, i thought i'd be able to make a hull bit for one of my upcoming chonkers using inlets so i could save massive amounts of part count and time
18.3k plane918273645
This is an issue with unity not the devs fault, unity has since unsupported concave meshes with physics and such and so it has an invisible wall, if it was to not have that and behave as expected it would be significantly more taxing on performance, since the inlets purpose is to just be an inlet the best option is to have it not hollow
13.8k Vedhaspace
@TronicOrbital well it will give enough air in but it would allow a part to go inside it.
You can load a very big inlet and make an airplane go inside it.
The video can be seen here