ATTENTION! All material described here is fictional. Any resemblence to real life events is coincidental and is not intended to be offensive.




Zenith Lore on non-SR2 site link

SECTION THREE-ONE: We live in a society, but it doesn't

After processing the current situation, the Black Vortex learned to use the English language, as it saw that it was generally the "main" language spoken on Earth, although some others do match or exceed this. It then created a message and sent it to the location of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Here is the message.

Greetings, the species of Homo Sapiens. I am the being that has rescued you from the large space rock and the long space craft. I do not wish to harm you, but I have been watching you from far away ever since I came to your star system. I have come to solve the world's problems, be it big or small. I also have some news, but those I will tell later.

Due to the first sight of the Black Vortex came directly from the zenith, the Black Vortex was also given the unofficial name of Zenith, at least until an official name comes up.

SECTION THREE-TWO: I need all the power

Humanity was frightened yet hopeful from the message. Conspiracy theorists immediately hit back with the "it's a fake propaganda message crafted by the government", but the overwhelming majority still believed it was true. Zenith quickly landed on a remote island on the Atlantic, despawned his craft with the DTS, and headed west to the nearest government building it could find, swimming at an impressive speed of 200 kilometers per hour (124 mph). It soon reached one, headed in and politely asked to speak privately with the highest ranking government official that was available there.

SECTION THREE-THREE: I'm getting the power

Both Zenith and the government official, named Jacob Barlow, sat down. The latter initially asked about his appearance, motive, and several other things, but Zenith simply stated that he will explain later.
Here is their conversation:

Z: I need it simple. I request that you or another government official give me the rights to do practically everything. It is important for my goal to help humanity save itself. I will pay in anything you may wish.
JB: I... simply cannot give that to you. How can I trust such a person as you? None of our databases have any records on anything similar to you.
Z: I am not a "person". I am merely something in a humanoid body. I need it to prevent myself from being potentially and unwantedly destructive. I came to aid all nations, friend or foe, big or small, rich or poor. I can help.
JB: We merely cannot give you these rights even if you had enough money. I don't even think the total amount of cash printed globally is sufficient enough.
Z: *That is not a problem. I have another payment method, one which may be of great use...

JB: So... what may that be?
Z: *pulls out a Logic Breaker* This. This device allows one to perform actions that aren't normally possible. I assume you have at least basic scientific knowledge: Travelling faster than the speed of light would normally not be possible. But with this, it is. Things such as that are possible with this. *opens it* Take a look inside. That is real antimatter, dark matter, and many other forms of matter. Worth more than a couple trillion of your currency, all in this tiny box. This is nearly the exact same device that allowed me to save the population. I do not have to worry about the laws of physics. I only have to worry about others.
JB: Fascinating. You have convinced me. I will now arrange to give all rights as you asked. Please sign this paper with whatever signature you may wish.
Z: *signs with the Novacross marking* I have yet to develop a proper name for myself.
JB: That will work. Thank you for your cooperation. You may freely leave.
Z: Thank you. I may return soon. Have a great evening. *leaves*

PART THREE-FOUR: Utopia... almost.

With all his rights recieved, Zenith went off and immediately got to work: he donated several million dollars to many third world countries, and also gave them a large supply of water and food. Afterwards, he went to various companies. Especially to corrupt corporations, where he offered the current CEO's a large sum of cash in exchange for leaving their company and having a "clean" CEO replace it. Most agreed to do so because they were scared of Zenith and his supernatural abilities. Despite this, he rarely killed anybody, since his primary goal was just to improve humanity as a whole rather than kill them off. Nevertheless, he did have some doubts about their intelligence. With his main goal in good progress, he set off to familiarize himself with the world more.

SECTION THREE-FIVE: Cars and thugs

Zenith went to a decently large local car meet, bringing his custom fabricated hypercar, known only as the Apotheosis. It made 1450 hp from a modified Lamborghini V12 and weighed only 999 kilograms (2202 lbs). The car had a similar appearance to the Apollo Project Evo, Aston Martin Valkyrie, and Bugatti Bolide; with rather large openings and advanced aerodynamics to aid in cornering. After the car meet, he went for a walk in the city, and that's where the chaos began.
A group of criminals despised Zenith for his similar appearance to their unofficial uniform, and planned to attack him, not knowing of his true power. They hid in an alleyway and waited. When he came, they immediately attacked him, and pinned him to the ground. Zenith smiled as he popped out his thrusters and slid out from their grasps, tearing off an arm of one of them. Screaming in pain, the criminal attracted a large amount of people from the noise. Zenith further killed all members of the gang there, either burning them with his Pulsar Beam or slashing their body parts off with his sword Astrocosmosis. The civilians was shocked to see the Cosmic Entity's power, but Zenith calmed them down by saying "It's better to have them dead and not cause any trouble then to have them be alive and potentially destroy this area." With this, they understood that he did in fact want to save humanity, with whatever things he may have to, and that thing can sometimes only be violence. Local police were impressed of Zenith's skills - of course, they did not arrest him since he had the right to everything, and thus the right to kill as well. - They approached him and asked if he would assist police forces globally to help fight crime, to which he responded with "Absolutely. Getting rid of criminals is just one step closer to achieving a utopian society. I will gladly help. Take this device. This glowing blue button should be pressed if my assistance is needed. Use it with care."



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  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    @JanusSpaceIndustries ofc later in the series he extends his "services" to other aliens due to the alliances that were formed between aliens and humans
    as for alien tech, he also does check out some of them but i haven't gotten to that yet

    1.5 years ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    @Zenithspeed What about the other aliens?

    1.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    @JanusSpaceIndustries basically his only purpose is to just assist and protect humans, so in-universe he just tries out human stuff and grabs some of the stuff that he likes for himself

    1.5 years ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    I wonder why Zenith is so much into Human-made objects. Cars or automobiles to be exact.

    1.5 years ago


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