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1,191 YaMomzBox420
The 3rd link down is the one I'm trying to share. Unfortunately, I can't copy the link, so I figured this would be the next best way to do that. Just use the same google search term and find the link for the book; download the PDF file, and you're good to go!
9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
i watched a masterclass of Chris Hadfield but he didn't tell me all the math in orbital mechanics, and i need all that math to make autonomous rockets that can rendezvous with things without using a lot of fuel
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@PointBreak I'm not sure, but the link comes from the Chinese version of NASA, so it might be an international server thing, or it could be my phone, or even just Google's settings, idk. Thanks so much for that though, I really appreciate it! 😎
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@SamTheFox in a nutshell, yes. There's a bunch of other stuff(mostly theoretical physics and relativity among other things) that goes into it, but everything in the game is going to be based off these equations and general ideas(even if a different specific equation is used). Really though, everything in the book is pretty much all the info you need to send rockets to anywhere in our solar system and even beyond(even if it takes forever)
I don't know if it's against the rules or your phone not cooperating, but here is the direct link (open it in a new tab) - http://www.nssc.ac.cn/wxzygx/weixin/201607/P020160718380095698873.pdf