How do I get mods into the game on IOS? (If you can)
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1,191 YaMomzBox420
@Zenithspeed lol true, but that's the only way to actually play around with mods. And I'm an avid mobile user, so I wish it wasn't the way it is, but we can't really change it. Also, it was mostly just a joke, but I also had no choice but to buy a PC and the game again just to mess around with mods, so 🤷
27.1k Zenithspeed
ahem... not to be rude, but
not everyone has a thing called money to buy a pc
@YaMomzBox420 -
9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
i don’t think that’s what he’s looking for but LOL -
1,191 YaMomzBox420
Step 1: go to Amazon or Best Buy
Step 2: buy a PC
Step 3: download Steam
Step 4: buy SimpleRockets 2 on Steam
Step 5: download mods
Step 6: throw away your phone/tablet
Step 7: have fun! -
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That’s the neat part, you don’t