i've seen multiple sources on this, but they always seem to contradict eachother. some say it's red, some say it's blue. anyone know what the TRUE fastest color is?
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27.1k Zenithspeed
"wavelengths of blue light travel fastest and have the most energy" something like this is what i was looking for, thank you! @kansaspilot
1,201 kansaspilot
@SamTheFox gamma rays technically aren't light, they are a section of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum. Also the same goes for ultraviolet with an exception. The weakest wavelengths in ultraviolet section of the spectrum fall into a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum where the visible light section, and ultraviolet section overlap with eachother. However this is only weaker, slower wavelengths of ultraviolet, where as the stronger, faster wavelengths are not visible.
The visible light spectrum is a subsection of the electromagnetic spectrum that consists of wavelengths that are visible.
Basically, radiation is not light, but light is radiation.
1,201 kansaspilot
@Dereric not entirely true.
Wavelengths of blue light travel fastest and have the most energy, while red wavelengths (which is on the opposite side of the visible spectrum), travel slowest and have the least energy.This is why redshifting occurs when an object falls into a black hole, as the red wavelengths are the last to be pulled into the event horizon
1,201 kansaspilot
@TronicOrbital the reason car insurance companies charge more for red cars is because red paint fades significantly faster than other colors of automotive paint.
Its even worse in certain conditions, for example, in places where the sunlight intensity and UV index is usually really high like Arizona, the color fades so fast that in just a year, there will be a noticeable difference in color. -
27.1k Zenithspeed
welp, thanks for answering, ya'll
as for why i needed this, my fictional character is partially the embodiment of speed, and i wanted to see how it would turn out with his secondary color being a bright blue (color code R255 G170 B0), so i guess that color would be above average to high speed by that standard, but hey in the lore he can freely change the secondary color to anything he wants, so it doesn't really matter lol
@SamTheFox -
1,191 YaMomzBox420
Honestly though, I'm not sure what you mean by that lol. As far as the actual speed that light particles/waves move goes, it's all the same regardless of the color/spectrum. As far as frequency goes, violet would be fastest with a very high frequency and red the slowest(if only counting "visible" light). As far as what color "looks" the fastest, it's probably red, orange, or yellow because those are warning colors in nature and your brain is specifically wired to pick those colors out and notice them first
in the visible spectrum it’d be violet/purple but between red and blue blue would definitely be faster.