I'm just curious to know how if there are fathers or mothers here on the forum or even people who are married or in committed relationships who play this game.

Would like to know, if it's not too intrusive or too much to ask, briefly how you are able to balance work, family, life and the game😊

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    @Dereric Great to see someone older here. Thanks for sharing. I think I'll follow your example, finding some little time to play once a twice a week. Thanks so much for the insight! Really appreciated.

    2.8 years ago
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    242 Dereric

    To your first question, i hope so because I won't be the oldest here, with 38 years.
    And yes, I'm married and have a son.

    And about the work life balance, once or twice a week, you can find 30 minutes to play.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital I guess it's about really trying to find a good balance between gaming and everything else, it's just a really difficult balance to strike. Wow, that's so sweet of your Dad. I'm sure that's the way to go by things. I'm sorry about your Mom passing.

    2.8 years ago
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    5,221 EdalynEXILED


    2.8 years ago

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