The physics in-game don't sim supersonic flight at all (as far as I can tell). Aircraft engines and designs that don't work in the real world past 600 knots seem to do fine exceeding Mach 2; curving noses and Hershey bar wings and non-all-moving control surfaces all work at those speeds. Shockwaves don't form at all. I understand this could be a big undertaking, but it would finally make this program more than just a baby KSP. Maybe for mobile users make it imbedded in the physics settings, to prevent crashes from over tasking
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9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
this requires you to turn on the re-entry vapor trails, it will likely crash if you're on mobile
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@SamTheFox that's not an available setting tho, I have a device that can cope with War thunder at movie so simple rockets isn't gonna be too much with any setting