Full Flow Staged always has the largest ISP, so the most efficient.
And you can always just scale down and up, so there's neither a problem with Delta-V or thrust...
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10.4k RudimentaryCheezit
if you want a real-life answer, the wikipedia states that "Potential disadvantages of the full-flow staged combustion cycle include increased engineering complexity of two preburners, relative to a single-shaft staged combustion cycle, as well as an increased parts count."
but i'm not sure why this would be a problem in simplerockets 2, i haven't even observed what type of combustion the community uses
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the full flow staged has a longer time delay between input and full thrust (spool up), and the engines are heavier - the instant and lower thrust of a electric power cycle on a docking craft or lander can be easier to control - but for takeoff and high twr burns, the full flow staged works great