Is it possible to make it to automatically add energy to the battery when its level drops to say 50% using vizzy ?
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242 Dereric
Your solution was also my first idea, but in my opinion the problem is that you have to deactivate it manual. Something like:on start
if (fuel [Battery]) less than 0.5 then
Set AG8 to true
if (fuel Battery) more than 0.95 then
set AG8 to false(AG8 is only an example, but I suggest you to bind your solar panels or power generators in an AG because it makes things a little bit easier.
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
this requires you to simply deploy solar panels using vizzy
on start
if (fuel [Battery]) less than 0.5 then
part (insert the partID of a solar panel) [Activated] to (true)
if you want to magically add battery to your craft, vizzy can't do that
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what @Dereric said