I try to make many cars and I’ve seen many cool cars use funny fuel tanks that are apparently beacon lights too. How do I do this? Is it a part of thing or something? I would like to integrate this into future crafts when I can
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242 Dereric
You can make them even on mobile.
•At first, select the fuel tank that you want to illuminate.
•Go to the tinker panel, then press the "Edit hidden Properties" button.
•Press the plus button.
•then a window should open, with the text "InputController", delete this and write "BeaconLight" (must be exact, including the big B and L)
•Press "add", then press "apply"
•use the left and right arrows to navigate to the "Part" tab.
•Go down to Activation Group and replace the 0 with the AG you want to.
•Again hit the "Apply" button.That's it, it should work. If you can't see the AG in-game, you have to set the AG from your beacon tank to an AG that is also used by an other part. Or you place an normal beacon light somewhere else on your craft and give him the same AG.
I've tested it before I wrote this post, so if anything won't work, just Ast.
20.6k Freeskyaerospace
@Zenithspeed I mean I know how to do that but I’ve seen people be able to turn the emission on and off, like in @boby6killercz ubermacht sixkiller
20.6k Freeskyaerospace
@Zenithspeed I mean I know how to do that but I’ve seen people be able to turn the emission on and off, like in @boby6killerz ubermacht sixkiller
27.1k Zenithspeed
if you mean that they just glow but don't give off any light, then it's the emission parameter on the paint selector
if they do give off light effects then idk, they probably just hid a mini light inside the thing
@Dereric thanks