I can never land on any other planet or moon, i can only spawn there, is there a way to get the orbits easily?



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    242 Dereric

    Don't you need to travel to a different Planet and create an launch location to start there?
    And wich orbit you want to go easily? Do you mean drop orbit or the target planet orbit?
    Reaching droo orbit is just practice, after several hundred launches you can do it nearly blind.
    To enter target planet orbit, the best tip that I can give you is that you shouldn't underestimate the fuel you need to slow down at your destination planet to enter an orbit. Because it's not that funny to travel all the way to Cylero and then just fly by Instead of enter an orbit, just because you run out of fuel 20 seconds to early.

    2.7 years ago
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    the smaller the rocket, that faster and more efficient it gets

    to get a basic orbit, you first must launch your craft, tilt it 75 degrees towards the east (unless the planet spins backwards), and make sure your speed is under something like 600 meters per second. then, when you see the atmosphere getting a bit darker, tilt the craft 45 degrees. once your apoapsis exceeds the atmosphere (on droo it’s about 60 kilometers), throttle down and tilt the craft all the way east. once you’re about 40 seconds from the apoapsis, throttle up until your periapsis is about 60 kilometers, then you’ve made an orbit.

    you can use maneuver nodes to rendezvous with other planets, without guessing when to burn. you can place maneuver nodes on your orbit by left clicking or double-tapping on your orbit. you will guess where to burn, and if the guess is wrong, keep guessing until you find an efficient route to the target planet.

    to target an object, open the map (the default hotkey is M) and click/tap a planet, or craft, and click/tap the broken square icon, that will target the planet or craft. maneuver nodes require you to target something, unless you’re really really REALLY good at guessing, then you should mine as well not use them.

    2.7 years ago

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