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July 8th, launch day:
I have kindly selected my LLR-6 for this mission, it has done it before and it can do it again.
I got a stable orbit, but now I wait 30 minutes to get to the burn node.
Orbital Sunrises are always beautiful.
Coast phase, now I just have to wait 24 hours to Luna periapsis.
We docked with the lander and are ready to wait 24 hours
At the midnight point, still 6 hours to the correction node
At least the sun is back up so I can charge my batteries and use gyroscope.
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3,692 HorizonsTechnologies
New challenge: trip to Cylero without timewarp or fast forward
1,667 GrandmasterPotato
I am aware, if I weren’t on mobile, I think I would actually wait the 4 days by playing in RSS @GSpace
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Not much interesting, yet, I still have to wait 4 hours to the correction node @Wenhop