Around 10 thousand years before Clans: Droods appeared.
0 years after Clan era: fire is used everywhere on Droo.
500 years after Clan era: Droods started to make fire.
600 years after Clan era: Droods started to grow crops.
1000 years after Clan era: the first city appeared, kingdom era started.
100 AK: copper and bronze. 300AK: iron and silver. 400AK: gold and mercury.
560AK: first book. 700AK: Oriental Kingdoms unified and built the first republic nation.
730AK: North East Empire formed. 763AK: The Great Droo War.
788AK: Droo Empire established. Kingdoms era ended.
Empire era:
344: Industrial Revolutions. 471: Planes 493: Rockets 926: Juno system colonized.
Around 1730: Empire had be in it’s greatest time.
1847: a coup ended the ancients’ rule. Elsta family is in the position of the emperor.
1897: As the ‘celebration’ for Elsta Droo Empire, workers started to rebel.
1900: Reform Failed, democratic parties and socialistic parties quit the government.
1911: Democratic parties started the revolution, socialists joined later.
1913: Socialists started the great march and was separated to democrats. Democrats took Juno system later this year.
1914: Democrats established the U.R.. War between the U.R. and the empire ended.
1914~1931: Socialist partisans kept rising and almost took the new capital of the empire (BZ binary system).
1931: The Empire surrendered, the F.A. established.
1933: Under the encouragement of some nearby socialist countries include F.A., the non-aggressive treaty of the Droods established.
1935: Elsta II died, Elsta III stopped communication between the other countries.
1955: Now.
The U.R.:
President: Kant Richard (Free 1911)
Free 1911 Party (moderate libertarian left)
Green 90 Council (eco-left)
The Movement (moderate right)
The F.A.:
Totalitarians: Ivan Torman(Chairman).
Orthodox Marxists: Herman Hans(Presidium)
Ultravisionarists: Jane Kobra(Presidium)
Sydnicalists: Vladimir Chang(Presidium)
Other parties: Militarism Socialists, Anarchists, Democrats.
(All of the above are in people’s council.)
Illegal Extremists:
National Socialists, reason: no need to explain.
True Freedoms, reason: controlled by the Empire to control the F.A..
The Empire:
Elsta III is the only ruler.