Merak just got a little more Droo-ey, with the addition of 3 brand new easter eggs for 1.5. These don't have location pins on the map, however they are all close to a marked location, and i'm also revealing the coordinates in this post, along with a few details about their lore (the full version of these, along with additional changes, will be found in a pinned comment on the released post)

  1. Crashed Plane - a recently crashed passenger airliner, reported cause of accident was due to both pilots drinking too much, no survivors detected
  2. Zenith Portal - a portal used by Zenith to travel between Merak and other planets that have his bases on them, i didn't model in the whole base because of obvious reasons but you get this instead
  3. Marshland Lab - an abandoned two-story advanced lab and tunnel system left in the marshlands close to the MSF, likely left by the same species that attempted to mine Karma out. The upper story is left exposed, however the lower one could still have its experiments and equipment preserved due to sophisticated airlock technology, but the lower level is kept locked off due to a large pile of rubble that would take a very long time to remove


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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    yeah, or like some sunken area (due to a weird terrain bug, idk where the problem even originates from), thats kinda what gave me the swampy/marshland feel tbh

    2.7 years ago
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    doesn’t look like a marshland to me, more like a lava pit

    2.7 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i don't even care about upvotes

    2.7 years ago
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    727 Aviator01

    It’s a free upvote, I suggest you take it.

    2.7 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    what i said in SP also applies to what i do in SR2, so, sorry, but no.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    727 Aviator01


    2.7 years ago


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