Ever since the last update, all rockets and SSTOs I've launched Break upon reaching 30.000m high (Droo and RSS Earth).
I've currently not found any way to avoid this, other than just spawning out of the atmosphere
All vanilla crafts can work Below 30.000m (Droo and RSS Earth) and out of the atmosphere.
I've narrowed it down that at the moment they reach ~~30.000 they begin to:
Either spin uncontrollably until they explode with the message "Part (X) has exploded for (excesive) damage" (Not specific parts at a time, but the entire whole craft)
Either spin so fast they somehow get out of the atmosphere, but once they are out, there's no way for them to regain control, I've got speeds of ~~26.000km/s and above, at that speed and spinning that fast there is no way to get back to route.
SSTO's and Rockets incapable getting out of orbit after the last update (Overhaul of heat damage) (Droo and RSS Earth)
2.7 years ago
Question4 Comments
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10.3k RudimentaryCheezit
you can turn down heat damage and physical damage in the general settings
1,126 Blaze77gun
@SamTheFox As i said, it happens with literally any craft (Even vanilla)
10.3k RudimentaryCheezit
check if any parts used for detail are clipping. if so, go to the tinker panel and set collisions to none
make sure your speed is half the terminal velocity at your altitude
as chris hadfield said, "your boosters [will act as] an elevator, sending your rocket up to where the atmosphere is thin enough that the drag is minimized as much as possible."
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@SamTheFox Yaay, it works now (sadly its using that "cheat")
I'll try to make it so my crafts can work without that being changed