I am truly horrible at planet studio. Does anybody have a tutorial that helps, and if not, can anyone make one? I truly need help with this.
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18.3k plane918273645
@Zenithspeed lies, those are cause by clipping with data, so the height is generated and if the height exceeds the accepted input, usually 1, it is clamped.
27.1k Zenithspeed
yeah those can mess things up too
either way, for now just stick to basic stuff like noises, generate height, update height, craters, etc.
@BeastHunter -
27.1k Zenithspeed
hmm... those weird rifts are most likely caused by an "expression" modifier, until you get good stay away from those things, they are scary
242 Dereric
There are several tutorial videos on YouTube, but I've forget the username, sorry
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yeah it can be hard at first, i do suggest you watch Jastro's tutorials (somebody alr linked them below) since they're fairly easy to understand imo