I’ve watched all of Jastros tutorials, and I still have no idea.
A lot of tutorials promise it, but it never happens.
How do I do it?
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27.1k Zenithspeed
adding onto @SamTheFox comment:
for the noise types:
Cellular: also known as cracks noise due to being used for generating terrain cracks, it uses "cells" as seen by the name and has a variety of options which i won't explain
Cubic - virtually never used, can't say much
Cubic Fractal - rarely used, it looks somewhat natural but is incompatible with power noises
Perlin - can be used for some basic shapes (e.g. on asteroids) but its fractal version is typically preferred over it
Perlin Fractal - the most used one, it looks natural and is compatible with all fractal types
Value - artificial looking square-like terrain, not reccommended
Value Fractal - somewhat commonly used, but has the downside of having manmade-looking square-like terrain
Value Fractal with Derivative - generates "bulges", generally not used often but does see some usage in unique terrain (e.g. the "spikes" in the venusian template)
White Noise - its basically the no signal tv screen being used as a noise, should only be used on stars or gas giants as terrain generated with this type has buggy colliders
for the 3 main fractal noise types:
FBM - generic and natural looking
Billow - puffy, bulging out
Ridged Multi - opposite of Billow, very sharp mountain-like edges
Powers: ranging from V1 to V3 (and a "Ridged Multi V2", without powers), these adjust some sections of the noise, with the "Power Exponent" parameter adjusting how harsh the modified sections are
Ridged Multi V2 generally results in even sharper edges compared to its normal variant
EDIT: adding my interpretations of what was also mentioned (or not) below
Seed: this is basically what gives it the randomness, its just a random number (can be any number of digits, but randomizing it will always result in it being multidigit)
Frequency: the "size" of the noise, higher numbers will make it smaller and more dense, and vice versa of course, reccommended to keep it at 0.25-1 for large terrain, 1-3 for normal terrain, and 2-10 for small and high detailed terrain
Strength: adjusts how "harsh" the noise is, for example if the noise is used to generate mountains then higher strength will make the mountains taller, most celestial bodies have between 0.1-5 for normal stuff, but some have even lower values (e.g. 0.01) on high detailed creations to remove messiness and spikes
Octaves: its essentially like a "round" in an arcade game or boxing match but with different parameters, which will be explained below, in general more octaves usually result in better looking terrain but also needs more computing power to use, most planets have 4-10 for most normal terrain, with sometimes 12 being used for extreme detail, and anything above 12 is not really worth it because it can take a while to load
Lacunarity: this multiplies the "Frequency" parameter per each octave, this is 2 at default (e.g. with frequency 1, it goes from 1 in octave 1, to 2 in octave 2, to 4 in octave 3, etc.) but can be adjusted to any number (reccommended to not go above 3 as it can cause bugs)
Gain: this multiplied the "Strength" parameter per each octave, this is 0.5 at default (e.g. with strength 1, it goes from 1 in octave 1, to 0.5 in octave 2, to 0.25 in octave 3, etc.), but it can also be adjusted to any number (recommended to not go above 1 as it can be buggy or just generally super spiky sometimes)
(keep in mind Lacunarity and Gain are useless with only 1 octave)
however if you do have a lot of octaves you can actually set them to negative values too and they will work too with some really interesting results though most are just spikes everywhere to hell and back
Domain Warping: this is too complicated to explain here, and is generally used by medium experienced players (like me) and by planet studio pros, but essentially it adjusts the terrain further than what is capable without it -
9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
set the noise type to perlin fractal, and i can tell you what the settings do:
Strength - increases the height/opacity of the noise
Frequency - increases the density of the noise
Octaves - increases the detail of the noise, higher octaves means more computing power
Lacunarity - similar to frequency
Gain - similar to strength
if you want things like canyons, or mountain ranges, you can change the Fractal Type of the noise. if you chose something with the new setting Power, the power increases the width of the the valley, not changing it’s depth
FBM Power - very smooth valleys
Billow Power - defined valleys
Rigid very sharp valleys, and if you change the interpolation a bit (there’s only 3 interpolation modes), you can probably get dune-like forms