say, briefly, what's this game content
Like, "engine ? has an ? ??interesting thing"

I haven't bought it yet, but hey, I already have an account :D



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    2.6 years ago
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    1,666 Marssmmm

    You can play on PC & MOBILE!!!!!!!!!. Best space game on IOS.

    2.6 years ago
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    Each is better at one thing
    KSP wins skyrocketing in learning
    SR2 wins skyrocketing in freedom of design

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    @DCSC Hey there 😊. I thought KSP had better Physics.

    2.6 years ago
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    225 Touhoufan

    Well, take a moment to read the comments below this comment, however:
    - You will not be able to perform fuselage slicing on fuselage blocks in SimpleRockets2, that feature is being considered as of now.
    - You will not have premade propellers and car engines. You must make a propeller using an electric motor and a couple of fins attached to a hub.
    Also you may find that:
    - You can save a craft and the craft remains. This allows you to play with multiple crafts, a thing that I personally enjoy.
    - There is a built-in screenshot taker.
    - There is an aforementioned part called the electric motor, that is more advanced from a rotator with the most distinguishing feature being that it can rotate infinitely.
    You should note that you can login to SimpleRockets2 with your account in SimplePlanes, which is more convenient than making an alt account.

    2.6 years ago
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    features include:
    - extremely creative rocket building
    - planet creator and star system creator
    - aerodynamics and hydrodynamics
    - share your planets, star systems, and rockets, with the community

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    if you enjoyed SP and want a "modern version" of it, along with additional space content, then yeah do buy it, it's worth it imo
    the flight physics are a little sloppy compared to SP but you can make a snappy craft if you know how, and both have built-in XML editing , but SR2 has far better parts (a lot of which are highly customizable) plus some of the annoyances can be minimized or eliminated completely (e.g. auto fuselage resizing)

    +3 2.6 years ago


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