I want to switch to another craft on activation of let's say AG1. How do I program a vizzy code?
How am I supposed to get the craft ID of the craft I wanna switch to. I did make a program but it didn't work due to craft name and ID issues.



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    craft names can sometimes get jostled with numbers so you can differentiate the debris and the ships, i forgot to add a variable, here is the renovated code:

    if (activation group number) then
    set variable (create a variable in the variable tab) to user input ()
    switch to craft (craft ID of (insert your craft name variable)

    hopefully, when you activate your chosen activation group, the program will request you to insert the name of the craft you want to control, and, if the name is a valid craft, then it will control the other craft

    2.5 years ago
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    4 SC0693

    @SamTheFox I did the same, but it doesn't work

    2.5 years ago
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    if (activation group number) then
    switch to craft (craft ID of (name of the craft to switch to)

    2.5 years ago

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