Question10 Comments
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1,667 GrandmasterPotato
Yeah, it seems a lot of fun… However, I have a critic with a the moon of a featured planet called gurdama. The moons current name is ‘donk’, a placeholder name, it showed a brief picture and they say gurdama is trying to show what earth looked like 4 billion years ago. The moon ‘donk’ was just recently captured, like earth at the time, however, it looks a lot like the moon right now, and the moon in the real world, was covered in lava, and was a very hellish place to live, this was how the lunar Maria was formed. Donk looked nothing like this, and I feel it is very innacurate. @Gen3ralInterstel1ar
2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
I can't wait for it to come out, it'll be fun to finally go interstellar in kerbal space program and see what all they decide to add for parts and the colony aspects of KSP2.
1,619 DragoranosSR2
I hope it is extremely optimized
I don't want my old PS4 to die... -
27.1k Zenithspeed
i like it, yes, but there's no way in alpha centauri that my laptop will be able to run it even at minimum graphics at anymore than 10 seconds per frame
1,667 GrandmasterPotato
Yeah I know, and I have to wait even longer to get it on Xbox @SamTheFox
9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
they delayed the release date and it makes me very sad ;-;
It’s never gonna release smh.