After a while of thinking, i've finally decided that i'm moving the Zenith Lore series to a different site (unrelated to SR2), which is specifically focused on users writing stuff, regardless how big or small or how talented or not. I won't leave a link to my profile on it there, since that may count as self-advertising (which is a big no-no), however you'll be able to seamlessly switch between the SR2 site versions (parts 1-5), in part 5 i'll leave a link to part 6 in the new site (once i'm finished making part 6), although each legacy part will also be ported to the new site and i'll probably find a way to cross-link the two. The new site lets me put the whole thing into one "post" rather than continously divide them into parts and segments.
I also realized too late that i should've went with the "off-topic" tag on the original posts, but it's too late to change that now.

UPDATE: I've finally uploaded the lore on that other site, however i won't do the transition thing i mentioned because idk if it can even be done so i'll just leave a normal link in the post, sorry about that


Zenith Lore moved link

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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    that other site is specifically designed for writing (though less buggy) so it makes sense
    it also means my profile's post will be a bit cluttered, and maybe even helps to save server space (over here at least)

    +2 2.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    it's completely seperate and unrelated to SR2

    2.5 years ago

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