As far as I know, currently, it is not possible to have multiple stars because the game only tolerates one large light source.

So I would like to ask the developers and the community whether they are working on solving this, and how far the development is.

Only two things must be changed in the system editor to make multiple stars and galaxies possible.

  • Allow multiple star-sized light sources and

  • Allow for multiple static objects to exist, or to set/program movement vectors manually.

Also, how far is axial tilt?



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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    another thing i've found is using the atmosphere fog shader and bumping up its height scale parameter to like 50 so that it wraps around the whole star rather than like a half or 2/3rd of it and increasing the "intensity from space" parameter to a suitable value which will make them look like they are glowing without actually giving off any light in the "dark side", idk if somebody has done it before me but it's a handy workaround for sure, the only real downside is that it means you can't put designs on the stars, making them only appear as a colored sphere, but that generally shouldn't matter too much

    2.4 years ago
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    4,727 sacr3dbac0n0

    We haven't solved this issue, but interstellar planet packs on light-years distance scales do exist:

    The pseudo-workaround we've found is to design atmospheres so that their lighting inherits to the wavelength of light that their host star emits.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    Im pretty sure there are more things behind the scenes that make it pretty difficult to do, besides there would be little benifit as they're not aiming to introduce interstellar travel

    +1 2.4 years ago


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