Due to heavy workload, I'm forced to shutdown ISA for time unknown.
NO MORE POSTS FROM ME. I SHALL NOW CONCENTRATE INTO STUDIES. Feels bad to leave you all guys but there is no other way. :( The 1 year time I spent with ya all was lot enjoying. Specially learnt some new stuff from SRC server. Some trollers, who used to troll me since time unknown, also taught me quite new stuff.

I hope to restart ISA again if possible but idk. Our server and my discord account is yet not deleted. Idk there is something bugging me rn so Im unable to delete the account.
RIP My Discord Account
(19th February,2020 - 9th October,2022)


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    Hope everything goes well with your studies. Until the day you return, we will be here to welcome you back.

    2.4 years ago
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    2,186 SmarsoAero

    It is hard to leave sr2 community if you been there for a long time, good luck on studies and may be will come to this community again. See ya dude :)

    2.4 years ago


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