Has anyone else encountered when using the Assign astronaut tab that a drood (In my case Yuri) is in flight around some unknown Droo?
Now mind you I have no crewed vehicles launched in this save file. I've checked all of the save files that I've opened recently and none of them have any vehicles that have any astronauts inside. The rest of my save files haven't been opened in either months or years.
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2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@MrMantis Well, I guess that could explain it, but all the flights I've done in this save were controlled with command chips and command disks.
1,234 MrMantis
If you save a flight with a Drood in it and then delete that flight from the menu the Drood still counts as “in flight” but you can’t do anything about it because the craft is gone. Their phantom droods.
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i don’t have the update yet :(