I have mapped out the thrust curves of each fuel grain, here they are:
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19.7k CanadaDucK
I prefer “Ramp Up” for my Stage Separation Motors, provides a smoother Seperation
27.1k Zenithspeed
if anyone can't see the images, i tried to sum it up in words here:
Basic: rapidly goes up to full power, then immediately goes a bit down then a bit up to almost full power, then goes down, goes flat for a while, and drops a bit at the end
Ramp Up: goes from like 40% to 100% gradually
Steady: always at 100% power
Ramp Down: goes from 100% to like 40% gradually
Impulse: goes full power for a really short while then goes to a very small amount of power for the remaining time
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technically your impulse one is incorrect, 85% of the fuel consumption is with full thrust, the rest is on the low speed