starting off with ksp

1-a lot of parts
2-advanced career mode
3-scientific parts like gravitometer
4-a lot of lot lot of mods
5-many companies with different parts
6-easy to build rockets
8-many missions unlike sr2 that doesnt has as much missions as ksp

1-nearly no editing options for parts
2-nearly no sizing options for parts
3-more expensive than sr2
4-not on mobile
5-atmosphere physics very glitchy
6-graphics not very realistic
7-xml editing is harder than sr2
8-no integrated programming language

and now sr2

1-upcoming career mode
2-very good physics
3-very good graphics (requires gaming beast pc for max settings 60 fps)
4-extremely resizable (by centimeters) parts
5-extremely editable parts
6-you can xml edit parts easily
7-mobile compatible
8-cheaper than ksp
9-integrated programming language

1-no companies unlike ksp
2-not so much mods
3-not so much parts
4-not very simple as the name suggests
5-early access (game is incomplete but it will be complete after career mode)


ksp is good for gameplay with career mode and how easy its but not for a more realistic gameplay unlike sr2 which is realistic and hard to learn also sr2 is astronomically underrated means its community is very very small and there is almost no one actively creating mods, but sr2 will blow up after full release of career mode and many ksp youtubers will check it out, this means community will grow in size, so more mods and crafts will be created, if jundroo starts hiring developers if this ever happens development team will grow, suggestions will be opened and game will start advancing and growing faster, these might not happen and even if it does it will take several months after full career mode release for this to happen and for ksp they are developing ksp2 with much better graphics and interstellar travel in 2023 and this game will definitely blow up as soon as its released with many people youtubers playing it and same thing will probably happen to ksp and their already very large community and development team will grow even bigger, both games are good but in my opinion sr2 is better with its realism and career mode will increase gameplay the same way as ksp but i dont recommend sr2 if you want a bigger community and more frequent and bigger updates by its large development team unlike sr2 that has a smaller team means they are able to deliver updates slower but when it grows up things for sr2 will never be the same in a good way, anyways, now i have to end text here, if you are still reading this you are in 1-5% of people who actually dont skip very long texts like this and actually read them!

recent edits in this page
1- 28.10.2022 16:52 edit: added one con to ksp and one pro to sr2 about integrated programming language and fixed all misspelled words.

2- 28.10.2022 22:27 edit: added 2 pros to ksp about colonizing and missions

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    @DragoranosSR2 how??

    2.4 years ago
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    0 Ryaja

    It makes sense, KSP Is more than 10 years old. While SR2 is only 4 or so years old. But things will change with KSP 2. But I like having SR2 on mobile.

    2.4 years ago
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    KSP Stability assist is also infinite better than SR2

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital yeah, there is a career mode coming up soon, they even added the button for it!

    if you look at ksp's version below 1.0 and its current version you can see how far it has come, same thing is gonna happen for sr2 too in a few years or maybe months if the development team grows in size by a few times

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @Toinkove the lack of scientific parts is the biggest con for me in sr2 but all parts being procedural is the biggest pro, for ksp career mode and large amount of mods is the biggest pro with the parts barely being editable is the very big con and the reason i prefer sr2 over ksp.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed true

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    Kerbals >>>>>>>>> Droods
    I'm biased with KSP I know that

    Let's not forget that this will all be changed with KSP2.... And with SR2 career mode.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    413 Toinkove

    I'm hoping we get "scientific parts” when career mode comes out. As much as I’ve enjoyed this game, once you get your craft into orbit (or landed on the surface) there’s not a lot to do whereas in reality that’s often just the start of a “mission”.

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    mad respect for comparing the two as unbiased as possible

    +2 2.4 years ago


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