So... I was bored with the jet engines we had now. Because we only had turbojet, and turbofan. So, I have a few idea to spice up our beloved game.

  1. Ramjet
    We know the jet engines we had now had high thrust. But, all the engines are not efficient enough at high speed. And there comes the ramjet. Ramjet are activated once the craft has enough speed to activate the engines. It's better greatly worked at supersonic speeds and work efficiently at mach 3+, but, when the craft are about mach 6+, the engine efficiency start to decrease. Technically, ramjet was lighter from normal engines because it has no turbines or something like that.

  2. Scramjet
    Scramjet was basically just upgraded version from the ramjet. It's worked very well at supersonic and hypersonic speeds. And it can't activate under supersonic speeds. But, it worked efficiently at hypersonic speeds.

  3. Pulsejet
    Yeah, maybe this engine was not quite useful, but it will cool if it added. So, the pulsejet is basically a poorman's version from the ramjet. But, it can work statically. It's has low Isp, loud noise, high fuel thirsty, but it has high TWR and if added, it will be light and cheap compared to any other engines

  4. Turboramjet
    Turboramjet is used at A-12 tree familiy. It's heavy, expensive, huge, and high fuel thirsty. But it was worth it because the turboramjet can activate like normal engines when stopped and low speed but also worked like ramjet at high speed.

  5. Harrier-like engine
    We have this at SimplePlanes. But this will be life-changing when it added to SR2

  6. Hybrid air-breathing engine
    We can make an SSTO with ease in SR2. But, it carry too small payload to orbit when compared to overal sizes of the SSTO, and maybe this feature can also be a life changing. It will reduce fuel comsumption at sea level and it will be worked as normal rocket engine at vaccum level. Thus we can carry less fuel to achive orbit while the payload capacity carried still same. This engine was technically an rocket engine, but this engine also breathing air like us, human (maybe not for Mark Zuckerberg. Jk).

Now for the jet engines config.

1 : Thrust vectoring
We can make our own TVC, but it was too complex and required many parts to make. And with this new feature (hopefully) player with low end device can experiencing how it feels thrust vectoring worked. And If this added (hopefully), we can customize how the TVC worked, like 2D TVC or 3D TVC

2 : reverse thrust with actually worked how it should
We have thrust vectoring at home (I mean SR2)
But this only worked as brakes. So with the new reverse thrust we actually can make our craft move backwards.

3 : selecting the fuel tank that are used for the jet engines This is like the choosing the engines for the wheel at simpleplanes.

4 : Pitch and yaw using only engines
No, no, this is not TVC this more like the B-2 Spirit yaw control. When stealth is more important, the B-2 can use split throttle to control the yaw axis and it worked. But, why not pitch too?

That's some ideas i had for now. If one or even all of these ideas added, I would very appreciate it and the players will very love it



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    15.7k Hylo

    @Insanity "We can make an SSTO with ease in SR2. But, it carry too small payload to orbit when compared to overal sizes of the SSTO, and maybe this feature can also be a life changing. It will reduce fuel comsumption at sea level and it will be worked as normal rocket engine at vaccum level. Thus we can carry less fuel to achive orbit while the payload capacity carried still same. This engine was technically an rocket engine, but this engine also breathing air like us, human (maybe not for Mark Zuckerberg. Jk)."

    this is what I was referring to

    2.3 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    @Hashys wdym it even says in the first sentence "hypersonic precooled hybrid air-breathing rocket engine"

    2.3 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @Insanity Thats literally a (sc)ramjet with a separately-fueled rocket engine, not a single hybrid rocket motor. If he added a bit more info about it being present in the real world then I would actually have looked into it

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @ChaoticGraviton True

    2.3 years ago
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    @Hashys Wacky and silly idea, but jet engines, and the ones they're talking about, are not exclusively used for planes/jets

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    @Hashys "Hybrid engines don't even exist as far as I'm aware (I'm also quite sure it isn't really physically feasible)" bruh its literally actively being worked on lol

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @ChaoticGraviton What I meant by that is that there are also many other types of rocket engines they can add, so why would they want a relatively low number of rocket engines and a relatively large number of jet engines, in a space game?

    2.4 years ago
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    @Hashys @ChaoticGraviton


    Scramjets in particular would be quite useful actually. IRL they can function in space using the remnants of the atmosphere. It would be very useful to launch small satellites extremely cheaply, which would be useful in career mode contracts.

    +3 2.4 years ago
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    @Hashys your point is invalid by the ending of your first sentence. Just because it has rockets in the game, does not make it exclusively a rocket game. Just look through the site, and you'll see. It's a dumb argument to make that just because it says "Rockets" in the name, you can't expand jet engines.

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    Hi, thanks for sharing your ideas and suggestions. Personally, I would really appreciate having a Ramjet, however, you must remember, this is SimpleRockets and not SP.
    Speaking about the pulsejet, honestly having something useless in the game isn't, well, useful; there's a reason why big Aeronautical companies still opt for more conventional and useful methods.
    For the Harrier engine, again, SR2, not SP. It's thankfully not so difficult to build a harrier jet in SR2 with small jet engines (if you were unaware, this is literally how it works in SP)
    As for the Hybrid Air breathing thingy, this is not gonna help an SSTO. SSTO's are still designed to use conventional rocket engines with Aerospike nozzles, because with a Hybrid Engine it then has to lift all of the heavy fuel to orbit, instead of just using some to do the same thing. Next to that, Hybrid engines don't even exist as far as I'm aware (I'm also quite sure it isn't really physically feasible). Next to that we also already have aerospikes in the game so yeah. To conclude, nice idea, but sadly it just doesn't pass the mark.

    On to thrust vectoring, honestly many users have talked about this and really want this in SR2, but as the devs haven't even implemented it into SP yet, I don't think they will prioritize SR2 for a plane feature.
    As for Reverse thrust, why would you want to go backwards?? As far as I know, even planes don't use reverse thrust to go backwards.
    Speaking about the Dedicated fuel tanks, you can literally do this in-game. Just set one fuel tank to have jet fuel and the other to have Kerolox/Methalox/Hydrolox and there you go.
    Last but not least, regarding the pitch and yaw for jet engines: for the yaw you can easily use vizzy to throttle down each engine separately with variables. For the Pitch, you can't pitch a jet engine with two horizontally aligned jet engines, that's just not possible without TVC.

    I hope this gave you some clarity, and yes, I did sit here for 30 mins typing

    +1 2.4 years ago


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