Hello all.

I just downloaded SR2 from the Android Play store and started trying it out. For a small mobile device the graphics are fabulous, probably as good as Orbiter, if Martin Schweiger were to develop a mobile version of that.

However, there seems to be a rather steep learning curve.

I went into the New Craft tool there was a step-by-step tutorial that walks you through the necessary steps by explaining what needs to be done and highlighting the appropriate icon in the display.

How do I get that back?

Also, where can I find an explanation of the basic controls and maneuvers? Are the controls the same across all spacecraft, except for specific features/capabilities that might be in some spacecraft but not others? I want to start out with RL historical craft such as Mercury Redstone, so anything to help me get started with vehicles of that type would be great.

So far I have figured out the following:

*Engine throttle slider at left, for main engine(s)
*Power button at lower right, to turn the main engine(s) on and off
*Option to display pitch, roll, and yaw circles, and how to use them

Beyond that, I'm just stabbing in the dark.



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    @YaMomzBox420 OK, now I get it. AG# == Activation Group #. That's helping me out a lot, already.

    2.2 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    Also, welcome to the SimpleRockets community, and I hope you enjoy your stay

    2.2 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    To add to the previous comments, once you get to the main menu(blue screen with a star and whatever recent craft displayed on top of a play button) if you press the play button it opens a menu with a list of options to play with. The first 2 are the tutorials, one for the craft designer, one for flight view, the next two are the same, but the standard "sandbox" mode, and the rest are challenge missions(still mostly "sandbox" but with specific goals/rules to follow).

    You can go through the tutorials as much as you want, and the challenges are always replayable too. I suggest doing the tutorials a couple more times, then giving it a go at the challenges to learn more and practice different techniques. There's also technically a couple tutorial challenges, one for docking and another for landing a shuttle that are worth checking out.

    Controls are the same across all devices, except for a few optimizations for touch controls/keyboard depending on the device. You can easily and reliably use the nav-sphere and other UI buttons to control any craft without the joysticks, etc. However, the joysticks are easier to use for airplane flight and good in a pinch with rockets.

    Most inputs can be remapped to "sliders" that you can pop up next to the throttle slider and they work the same except in both directions(-1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1). These can be used to control parts of a craft that aren't easily controlled another way such as cargo bay doors, rotators, motors, etc. You can also use them to control individual control surfaces(ie, an airbrake) seperately from pitch, yaw, and roll.

    The power button in the bottom corner is only for activating the next stage, it does not turn things off, only on. If you want to be able to turn things on and off with a toggle, use "Activation Groups". In flight, you can open the AG panel with button on the right side of the screen above the joystick toggle. The AG panel will pop up next to the power button and give you a list of toggleable buttons linked to various parts/systems on the rocket. By default, there 3 AGs set(Landing Gear, RCS, and Solar Panels) but there's a max of 10 AGs per craft(you can get more if you use additional command chips, etc).

    An engine linked to an AG can be toggled on and off without even having to activate the stage it's in(best for aircraft since the engines can't be shut down after the stage is activated).

    My advice is to look up tutorials on YouTube and download so

    2.2 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut

    Heya, You can access the tutorial again by going into the main menu, then click the distinctive blue play icon. Hope this help :D

    2.2 years ago

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