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692 Jerba
@FalconAero I’ll try, I kept attempting to see if I could figure out the problems but now some of the joints simply won’t work and are glitched out even if replaced, (dual rotator input menus, one with the correct values and the other with stock values, even when replaced it still won’t spin and the double menus reappear after one flight). I’ll see if I can’t get a working version uploaded but this might take a bit
692 Jerba
Just wondering, have you ever work with custom landing gear on heavy craft? (99k kg) I’ve made some gear for my plane I made but the joints I use to rotate the wheels (I can upload a demo that won’t spaghetti so you can see how they are supposed to work) become wobbly the moment they make contact with the ground. Do you have any idea how to fix this?
14.2k FalconAero
@InTheHorizonRocketLabs I faced severe difficulty with flight control software, and I have numerous tests recently. Sorry.
Currently planned for release between 10 to 12 december, mainly because the need of troubleshoting for it's flight control system