a very big (5-6x times bigger than droo) rocky planet with dense and thick atmosphere mostly made from helium and hydrogen sulfide. Large plains, deep canyons, extremely tall mountains and large lakes of liquid helium and nitrogen in the surface. This will be a extremely cold, big and deadly planet and no craters because how thick and dense the atmosphere is, no asteroids can reach its surface. It will have two moons really really far away from the planet, first moon (the closest one) will be 2-3x smaller than droo but still have an atmosphere as thick as droo and made from similar stuff as the main planet its orbiting, the surface will have a few large craters and mostly large icy plains and geysers that launch liquid helium and nitrogen as high speeds.
the second moon (farthest one) will be a bit bigger than the closer moon with a thinner atmosphere made from the similar stuff as the main planet its orbiting, the surface will be mostly made from oceans of deep liquid nitrogen and just a few small islands of ice swimming on it.
here is a planet idea (i know i already suggested the same thing to Ylias)
2.2 years ago
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