In this tutorial I will show you the easiest way to add clouds to your planet.
The first thing you need to do is click on ~ (Dev Console) and write the command PlanetStudio_ToggleTerrainGenerationAdvancedSettings
Now when you click on the modifier you will see
Click on it.
There will be 2 input fields:
Enabled With Symbols
Disabled With Symbols
Enabled With Symbols
Let's start with Enabled With Symbols. If you enter CUBEMAP then this modifier will only be shown in Scaled Space. This is useful for creating clouds, dense atmospheres, auroras, etc.
For planets with water and clouds, you need to add the same modifier but in Water Pass.
Enabled With Symbols has many other uses, but these are the most basic ones.
Disabled With Symbols
It does everything opposite of Enabled With Symbols. Any such modifier will not be visible in Scaled Space. This means that when you fly close to the surface you will see this.
This is useful when creating dense atmospheres so that the roughness is not visible when moving away.
@Zenithspeed Enter this command while editing a planet