this is my last major post of 2022, enjoy the next year people

As more and more of Zenith Lore becomes public, i'll need to make sure people can understand what's going on. I'll start it off pretty simple: spacecraft designations.
This is unrelated to COSPAR and whatnot, in the lore it is only used for human-based crafts, everything else in both the milky way and SDG-1 galaxies is required to use this one.
It follows a system similar to car license plates, first having a code including letters and numbers that almost always indicates location, which in most cases is the star system that the spacecraft was built, named, or registered in. Multi-star systems typically use the name of the primary star, but more notable stars may have priority. The first code is followed by a three-digit number that is simply a number indicator, allowing up to 999 crafts per system (000 isn't usable, 001 is the minimum), if one system name is used. One star system is allowed to have multiple codenames to expand this limit. (keep in mind that the lore ignores the established sci-fi trope of reusing naval terms for military-owned assets, i'll be making fully new ones but that's still very early WIP) Here's a list of some star systems and misc stuff featured and their codename(s):

  • Solar System: SOL, SS (rare due to obvious reasons), SL, SLS, SLR, SLRS
  • Alpha Centauri: AC, ACEN, ACT, ACENT, ACTRI
  • Epsilon Eridani: EE, EERI, EED, EPSE, EPSER
  • Tau Ceti: TC, TCT, TAUC, TCETI
  • TRAPPIST-1: T1, TRAP1, TP1
  • Kepler-designated systems (example: Kepler-22: K22, KEP22, KPL22, KPLR22)
  • Other numbered systems: follow the same designation as their normal designation, though any hyphens or other characters are usually omitted
  • Mortan (fictional): MRT, MTN, MTAN, MRTN
  • Sirodis (fictional): SRD, SRDS, SDIS, SRDIS, SD1592 (SD-1592 designation based marking)
  • special marking reserved for Zenith crafts (fictional): ZEN

yes, this post is basically unnecessary but i really wanted to get it off of me so i simply had to post it, so yeah it removes a burden off of me plus y'all get some info i guess

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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    honestly i only really made it so different from traditional scifi stuff is because i'm fed up with every scifi military using naval names for space-related stuff when the two are completely different, like you can't just compare a spacecraft to a battleship (same reason why i use "spacecraft" over "spaceship" in most cases), because while yes the two may have similar sizes and weights but even then they control nothing like eachother, so that's why when the lore becomes more developed i'll make my custom exclusive space-military ranking and vehicle classes when i have the time and resources lol

    +1 2.1 years ago


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