Download for Mobile button is literally gone?
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6,773 DMCcorp
@AndrewGarrison thank you.
Also, didn’t the poll that was done decide NOT to change the name? did you decide the name change yourself? -
Dev AndrewGarrison
If you can't download crafts on mobile, this probably means that your browser is set to request the desktop version of the site. I didn't expect many players to have this problem, but I've had a few complaints about removing the button, so I've put it back.
1,176 YaMomzBox420
Hmmm. Not sure what's going on there, but it must be an error of some sort. I can still download crafts and stuff on mobile no problem(I literally just checked), so it's probably not the site itself, but I don't know for sure. Sorry that's happening to you, it must suck. Hopefully it gets fixed soon if possible
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We took input from the community into consideration along with many other factors. It was one of the hardest decisions we've made, but we believe it is incredibly important for the future of the game and the community.