First of all, loving the career mode so far! Sometimes when I am not feeling very creative, I am uninspired to do anything in SR2/Juno and the career mode gives me a lot to do, so THANK YOU!

First question, in career mode, specifically the challenges for flying a plane through checkpoints, how are we supposed to do that? I have been making very slow-burning solid rocket planes and while not ideal, I am at the longer 17-checkpoint challenge now and I am not sure I am able to do it. The tech tree doesn't have any type of propulsion for planes yet, as the jet engines are still way down the line. Unless I am missing something very obvious....

Next question, also related to flying a plane. Is there a way to map an input to setting the navSphere headings? Like using the arrow keys to set horizontal and vertical headings on the navSphere? This would make flying via autopilot a whole lot easier. Again, unless there already is a way to do it and I missed it.



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    I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the new career mode. We are adding a propeller part in v1.1, so the airplane progression will get a lot easier. Also, if you check out the tutorial plane for the Learning to Fly contract, that might help for now.

    When the heading is locked, the A and D rotate the locked heading and the W and S keys rotate the locked pitch angle. You can also lock/unlock the heading with enter.

    +2 2.1 years ago

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